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Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV 680 - Clavier-Übung III

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Uploaded by: yolar (02/22/24)
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian
Sample Set: Rudolf von Beckerath Organ, St. Andreas Hildesheim (1965-66) - Sonus Paradisi
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Baroque
In this chorale, Bach needed no more than the first seven notes to compose a jubilant prelude. Bach was inspired by the Italian style in composing this organ prelude based on the Creed. He turned it into a trio sonata for two manuals and pedal, which is both exuberant and triumphal. But Bach ignored the long chorale melody for the larger part. Walter’s melody for Luther’s first line, to which the words ‘Wir glauben all an einen Gott’ are sung, were more than enough for him. He formed it into a jubilant theme, in which a buoyant downward leap generates a festive string of semiquavers. The material forms the basis for a dancy fugue that assures the listener that only one thing matters: faith.
(Source: All of Bach)

This piece was recorded on the upcoming sample set of the Rudolf von Beckerath organ of the St. Andreas Kirche, Hildesheim in Germany. Sonus Paradisi is currently working on this model, so the recording is on the beta version. This big neobaroque organ (63/4+P) built in 1966, is placed in a church with a reverberation of almost 8 seconds. The organ is strictly built on the Werkprinzip design, so much that there is no coupler between Hauptwerk and Pedal. That's also what you hear in this recording: a Hauptwerk plenum with an uncoupled pedal part.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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