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Verses & one fugue

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Uploaded by: DominiqueD (03/16/24)
Composer: Johann Georg ALBRECHTSBERGER (1736-1809)
Sample Producer: Pipeloops
Sample Set: Romantic Village Church Organ
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Classicism
If I believe certain comments published on Facebook, some organists do not like an organ (and its sample) as soon as they cannot show the agility of their fingers to shine in a long and virtuoso work. They are helpless and desperate when faced with certain types of instruments. You must always be searching for repertoire. It's good for knowledge and allows you to develop your adaptation skills.
We must thank greatly Pipeloops for offering us the free sample of a very little and very nice german romantic organ.
I decided to record during my daily sight-reading exercices some short pieces (except the last) composed by JG Albrechtsberger, using nearly all stops separetaly and combined together to explore the possibilities of this very agreable organ.

1. Verses in C
2. Verses in F 3:31
3. Verses in D 6:51
4. Verses in G 9:26
5. Fugue in C 11:34
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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