The melody of this song was written by Karl Hering in 1887, while the lyrics were composed by August Schuster in 1887.
In terms of content, it is a very cheerful, convivial drinking song that is more suited to the carnival season than spring .....
Verse 5: This note by Elector Frederick IV of the Palatinate can be found in his Tages- und Ausgabebuch under June 9, 1598, where it also reads:
“July 30: Hab ich ein Rausch gehabet”.
More information about the song can be found here.
A very detailed biography of the Elector can be found here:
As in the previous pieces of my Opus 9, I have again used the same structure. A song movement for 4 voices is followed by a trio - somewhat more restrainedly registered - in which the beautiful melody is framed by 2 additional voices.
The concluding fugue is for 4 voices and takes several attempts, each of which is increasingly more strongly registered. The last attempt, in which the theme is placed from back to front, also forms the coda that concludes the fugue.
To bring us back to the actual song, the song movement is repeated once again, this time with full organ.