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J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
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00:01 BWV 660 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
This chorale is presented as a trio. The highly ornamented chorale melody is in the upper voice, accompanied by two bass voices in counterpoint, which clash before, during and after the chorale.
Right hand Cornet + Flutes 8 and 4
Left hand: Soft Trumpet 8 + Recitative Principal 4
Pedal: Fonds 8 + Grand Orgue Fonds 8 + Flute 4
03:23 BWV 661 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
The chorale melody is this time presented in the bass, on the pedalboard, without any ornamentation on reed stops Trumpet 8, Octave 4, ChoralBas 4 + Chamade du Solo, surmounted by a Pleno organo 8 on keyboards I and II coupled.