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Preludium C-Dur (No. 3 from “Préludes, Fugues et Autres Pièces pour L'Orgue”, Brussels 1778)

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Uploaded by: RalphP (01/03/25)
Composer: Schmügel, Johann Christoph
Sample Producer: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Bodajk
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Classicism
I start the new year musically with the continuation of my recordings of pieces from the collection “Préludes, Fugues et Autres Pièces pour L'Orgue” (Brussels 1778) by Johann Christoph Schmügel (1727–1798).

Born and raised in the town of Prietzier in Mecklenburg, Schmügel received his first music lessons from his father, who was an organist and whom he assisted from the age of 16.

Around 1750, the young Schmügel was drawn to Hamburg, where he was taught by Georg Philipp Telemann, who later described him as one of his best composition students. In 1758, Schmügel took up the post of organist at St. Johannis Church in Lüneburg. His pupils there included Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, whose compositions were strongly influenced by the style of his teacher.

In 1766, Schmügel moved to the Nikolaikirche in Mölln, where he probably between 1767 and 1777 wrote the twelve organ pieces that he then published in his collection “Préludes, Fugues et Autres Pièces pour L'Orgue”. Stylistically, they are in the realm of the "sentimental style" (Empfindsamer Stil) and the early classical period. Many of these compositions are of an astonishingly high quality, so it is definitely worth taking a closer look at Schmügels music.

Therefore, I present today - together with all good wishes for the New Year 2025 - his Preludium C-Dur.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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