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Intermezzo (Prelude, Intermezzo and Epilogue)

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (07/12/12)
Composer: Slater, Gordon
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Post-Romantic
"Intermezzo" continues the "pastoral-like" mood, although this time the key is G major/E minor.

The Clarinet of the Solo alternates with the Claribel flute of the Great.

The swell strings at 16' and 8' are used creatively without the celeste, although the 8' strings with celeste get a chance as well.

There is an interesting texture here - it's really 2-part writing, with the pedal, complete with 32' Open Wood, playing in octaves with the Great flute, against high-ranging octaves on the Swell 16' and 8' strings.

The 32 is quite heavy, but this IS the sound of the 32 at Lincoln, so, it's correct! ;-)

I found this movement to be really nice to play, and it's quite captivating!

Still, not hard, either...
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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