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Epilogue (Prelude, Intermezzo and Epilogue)

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (07/12/12)
Composer: Slater, Gordon
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Post-Romantic
So, finally we come to the one that IS hard!

It doesn't look too bad. It's a busy, moto perpetuo fanfare sort of thing, that just keeps going and going.

It returns to the B-flat major of the "Prelude," but it moves around quite a bit, passing to G major and back again several times.

The opening mood disolves to a quiet section, which quickly moves to a "carillon-like" passage, that builds back up again while keeping up the movement. The Full Swell soon reappears and various degrees of "full organ" come and go.

Again, it melts down to a quiet section in G major/E minor. While it provides contrast in key and dynamic level, the tempo keeps up, and soon a pedal point brings it back to B-flat major.

The animation goes right through to the end, and for those "worrying" that the Solo Tuba doesn't get a chance, you may relax as it appears in the final coda! ;-)

The piece is written in 6/4, but the accents move around a bit, and keep it interesting.

The thing that made this hard was the MANY registration chages! It's always moving up or down, and the sounds are constantly increasing or decreasing.

It looked pretty simple, but after having spent the last three days on it, I don't that I will EVER play it again... ;-)

Just kidding! It's a cool piece, and I hope you will enjoy it! :-)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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