This upload and the eight following are my 9-11 tribute. I have employed the chorale 'Vater unser im Himmelreich' as thematic material throughout.
Not a political/philosophical forum so I'll keep my comments brief:
I found myself haunted - even moved to tears - by the various 'never forget' indicators I encountered On 11. September. It's taken me a day or two to process all of that, possibly because the events of that day are so etched in my memory, as they are for many, many people.
I believe that if 'never forget' reminds us of the ever-present violence of our world and motivates us to be ambassadors of G-d's peace (2 Corinthians
5:20), then truly, may our memories never fade.
But if 'never forget' causes us to see some members of G-d's family as 'other'; causes us to embrace and justify the never ending cycle of violence, then pray that some great spiritual amnesia overtakes human kind.
Respectfully dedicated,