When reviewing Mendelssohn's organ recital of Bach's music at the Thomaskirche in 1840, Robert Schumann wrote he recalled Mendelssohn saying: 'around the cantus firmus hung winding wreaths of golden leaves from within which such blissfulness breathed that, if life was bereft of all hope and faith, this one piece would restore them ...'
Whether it was Schumann or Mendelssohn who said it, the choice for me at this "crossroad" in my own life is obvious.
I chose an "early romantic" registration for this performance: the cantus is played on the Hautbous of the Brustwerk, while the accompanying voices are played on the Portun and Gemshorn of the Hauptwerk. The Pedal uses the Sub-Bass 16' and Portun 8'. There are no couplers used. The tremulant is on, and this affects the entire organ.