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In dulci jubilo, BWV 608

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (12/26/12)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1675/88 Hus/Arp Schnitger, Stade, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
For one of my Christmas preludes, I played this setting, the famous "double canon" from the Orgelbuchlein.

To my surprise, it didn't go all that well, as the console is about 100 feet from the organ. I had difficulty "keeping it together", so to speak... :-(

So, as part of "Orgelbuchlein project" I thought I'd better try to get it "back together", and chose Stade for me "practice".

What surpises me most is just how difficult it is to find the "right" registration on most organs!

I've always used something like Flutes 8' & 2' and played INCORRECTLY on one manual, with a 4' reed in the pedal.

FEW organs seem to have the 4' reed, so, using anything "loud" on the manuals is overpowering.

For this performance I used:

RH - PR - Quintadena 8' & Rohr Flot 8'
LH - OW - Gedackt 8' COUPLED to
BW - Gedackt 8'
Ped - Oktav 4'
TREMULANT (entire organ) ON

I suppose a more "contrasting" registration would be better, but I could find nothing to balance with the relatively light 4' pedal.

When I do my "project", I think I'll return to Kampen... :-)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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