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From Shepherding of Stars Round Midnight 2014

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Uploaded by: AMLaMort (01/01/14)
Composer: Anthony Mark LaMort
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Cavaillè-Coll, Saint Eucaire (1902)
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Improvisation
This is a tune I seem to revisit every Christmas time.

Earlier HW versions are here:

and here:

I never quite get where I want to be with it - in much the same way as I have never been able to 'sell' the hymn itself to choirs or church music committees.

I state Hillert's original tune fairly plainly at the onset and then several times throughout the piece.

I may weave some of this material into a 'mixed media' version if time allows and the spirit is willing…

A blessed and hopeful 2014 to all.

From Shepherding of stars that gave
Toward heav'nly fields of light,
I come with tidings to amaze
You waters in the night.

Your shepherd King from starlit hall
Bends down to weary lands,
Lies mangered low in cattle stall.
Go touch his infant hands.

This night your King brings from afar
The virgin's lullabye,
The Wise Men's faith, a guiding star,
And love from God Most High.

He shepherds from the thistled place
The flocks by thickets torn;
His pierced hands heal all your race
Sore wounded by the thorn.

Embrace the Christchild, and with songs
Bind up the hearts in pain.
The shepherd-healer-king let throngs
Sing glorias again.

- F. Samuel Janzow (1913-2001)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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