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Elfentanz / Elves' Dance

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Uploaded by: woody-mc (05/09/15)
Composer: * My Own Composition
Sample Set: Reason Cathedral Organ ReFill
Software: GrandOrgue
Genre: Contemporary
"Elfentanz" ("Elves' Dance") is an older recording from my "pre-GO era" in 2007, where I used Propellerhead's Reason as the sampler of choice.
Even though it might lack the "connection" to Hauptwerk (which this site is about), I rediscovered the piece right now and thought it might be of interest to other organists regarding the playing technique:

This improvised piece is played on a one-manual keyboard (no pedals) with a combination of both organ and grand piano samples. The attack of the keys controls the presence of the piano, while a more "resting" and softer touch pronounces the organ.
Those of you who are familiar with both instruments might know the difference in touch, and I can only recommend this kind of excercise to develop a sense for the necessary balance. Also, I always dreamt of having a organ+piano "jam session" with someone -- well, due to this lack, the decision was easy to play both instruments simultaneously.

Fun fact: After cutting the audio file, it turned out to be 11m11s in length -- and in German, the cardinal number "11" is spelled "elf".
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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