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Wanderings of a Balloon, TS 71

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (03/04/16)
Composer: Streeton, Terry
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Just the other day, I was thinking, "I really need to play some of Terry Streeton's music!"

Lo and behold when I opened my email yesterday morning, THIS was waiting there!!! It's dated "2nd March 2016," so it's not "in the stores yet..." ;-)

Terry Streeton (pointyflute) needs no introduction to most of us, nor does his music. "Wanderings of a Balloon" is no exception, and once again, Terry has produced a unique and intriguing tone picture.

Think of seeing a balloon, either "lost" - or "free" - depending on your state of mind and mood, sailing along in the air. Sometimes it dances freely, sometimes it may brush a tree or a wire, and the flight is temporarily interrupted.

However the flight of the balloon must eventually end...

I've uploaded two versions of the piece, one at Hereford and one at Salisbury. I've included the score below, as well as the MIDI's of the performances.

Like all of Terry's music, the result is both thoughtful and thought provoking. I told terry that when I was a little boy, seeing a balloon in the sky would upset me and make me cry. I couldn't bare the thought of it's being lost, and it really bothered me. Silly as it may seem, I had feelings of that "sorrow" while playing this, and I tried to evoke feelings of both joy and sorrow.

Since the dynamic level of the piece is "pp-mf", I've "normalized" the files. Even so, you may want to slightly increase your volume setting when listening.


I think I'm going to have play some MORE pointyflute music before I get my fix... ;-)

It is always a great pleasure for me to collaborate with Terry, and I hope that you will congratulate him on another wonderful piece.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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