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Contemplation (Andante sostenuto)

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (08/28/17)
Composer: Vretblad, Patrik
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Late Romantic
I know little about Viktor Patrik Vretblad except for his dates: (5 April 1876 — 15 January 1953).

However, our member, Dabchurch has found out some important information, which I include here:

"He worked for the Swedish Post Office and eventually became its Controller. He was also a music critic; a writer about early Swedish music and an organist in Stockholm. He mainly published piano pieces but also composed a number of organ works including a Prelude and Fugue in D Minor."


I came across the book, "Organ Selections for Special Church Services," edited William C. Carl sometime ago. The pieces vary from "known to unknown," and while we may not agree with "where" Carl places them, it appears that many of them may be useful and of quality. I was particularly pleased when I noted that he had included a work by Vretblad. Carl recommends this piece to be played on New Year's Eve, but I don't think this anything to do with it.

This is a sweet piece. It's not hard technically, but the "way" it's played will determine just how successful or not that it will be. I've pretty much followed the registration scheme by Carl, and the simplicity of it actually "enhances" the beauty. Sometimes less is more... ;-)

The effect on Salisbury is almost hypnotic, and there is something "new agey" about it, or at least it struck my ear as such.

I can see this piece as a recital work, and it would certainly work as a "church piece," although perhaps not on New Year's Eve!

A word about the editor: William Crane Carl (1865-1936) was one of the leading organists of his day. He was a student of a Guilmant and founder of the Guilmant Organ School during his time as organist of First Presbyterian Church in NYC. Before this, he was also organist of First Presbyterian Church in Newark, NJ, a position I held from 1994-1997.

The score is attached below (p. 50/68), as well as photos of Patrik Vretblad, William Carl, First Churches in New York and in Newark.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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