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Trios 1 to 11

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Uploaded by: DominiqueD (05/23/20)
Composer: Georg Andreas SORGE
Sample Producer: Prospectum
Sample Set: St. Peter und Paul Weissenau
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Baroque
Except the trio number 9 (missing bars in the manuscripts…but I’m going to write them to complete this work and my recording) you find here all the 10 complete trios composed by Georg Andreas Sorge, a friend of JS BACH. The exceptional quality of the Weissenau sampleset helped me greatly to find original registrations, sometines unconventional to serve the joy or the melancholy of this music. But nobody knows exactly how composers played themselves, except in the Orgeltrio composed by Johann-Gotttlieb Janitsch where we find registrations indications. That’s the privilege of the player to choose his own colors, according to the possibilities of the instrument. If I had choosen Altenbruch or Zutphen sampelsets, of course the result would have been certainly different. The organist must adapt himself to the instrument and not the opposite. too much organists do this mistake.

Trio 1
Trio 2 2’12
Trio 3 4’36
Trio 4 6’21
Trio 5 8’20
Trio 6 10’28
Trio 7 12’16
Trio 8 14’54
Trio 10 17’17
Trio 11 19’59
Trio 1
P : Subass, Octavbass, Violonbass + Echo Nachthorn
HW (rh) : Principal 8
Pos : Principal, Salicional
Trio 2
P : Octavbass
HW (rh) : Flöten 4
Pos : Hohlflöten 4
Trio 3
P : Bompard 16, Octavbass, Violonbass
HW (rh) : Principal, Octav 4, Superoctav, Sexqualter
Pos : Principal, Octav 4, Syfflöt 2, Hörnle, Cymbel
Trio 4
P : Octavbass, Violonbass
Pos (rh) : Rohrflöte 8, Syfflöt 2
Echo : Nachthorn 8, Flageolet 2
Trio 5
P : Octavbass, Violonbass
HW : Viola 8, Flöten 4
Pos (rh) : Rohrflöte 8, Flöten 4, Quint
Trio 6
P : Subass, + HW Flöten 4
Pos : Salicional, Fugari 4, Hohlflöte 4
Echo (rh) : Nachthorn, Spitzflöte 4, Flageolet 2, Cornet
Trio 7
P : +Pos Principal 8
HW (rh) : Quintadena
Echo : Vox Humana
Trio 8
P : Subass, Octavbass
HW (rh) Principal, Copel
Pos : Principal, Rohrflöten
Trio 10 :
P : + Echo Vox Humana
Pos (rh) Hohlflöten 4, Syfflöt 2
HW : Flöten 4
Trio 11
P : Subass + Echo Nachthorn, Spitzflöten
HW (rh) : Gamba 8, Flöten 4
Pos : Rohrf 8 Flöt 4
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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