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11 Chorals "Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr" - Part 2

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Uploaded by: jepisi (07/26/20)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Velesovo
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Bach Jean-Sébastien (1685-1750)

11 Chorals "Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr" - Part 2
BWV 675-676-677

00:00 BWV 675 (Velesovo wet) chorale in trio
- - - Ped: choral theme in viola [Clarin 4 + trem])
- - - I = md: RohrFlott 8 + Sesquialtera
- - - II = mg: Quintaton 8 + ViolaDiGamba 8

03:29 BWV 676 (Velesovo Extended) - "Great" chorale in trio on 3 keyboards + Pedal
[The 3rd keyboard allows to highlight the theme of the chorale which appears successively in the 3 voices ...]
- - - Ped: Octav 8, Gedackt 8
- - - I (HW): RohrFlote 8, SpitzFlote 4, Sesquialtera II
- - - II (Ob): ViolaDiGamba 8, Salicional 4, Vox Humana 8
- - - III (Br): Gedackt 8, RohrFlote 4, Principal 4, Quinta, Tertia, Oboe 8
[III is called by tirasse on I or II or Ped at the time of the chorale.]

09:18 BWV 677 (Velesovo wet) 3-voice Fughetta (manualiter) on a small "Plein-Jeu":
- - - I: Principal 8, Octav 4
- - - II: Quintaton 8, Gedackt 8, VioladiGamba 8, Scharff 4f
I + II

(to be continued ...)
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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