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Fanfare & Toccata (Sonatina)

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Uploaded by: Charles_Braund (11/04/21)
Composer: Watson
Sample Set: Pre release Father Willis 1894 3+P/28
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
Yet another piece recently discovered by accident whilst trawling YouTube.
I was immediately attracted to the Fanfare and Toccata and also to the Aria but it was the toccata that I found exciting. Initially I found some problem sourcing the music because I had mistakenly referred to his Sonatina as a Sinfonia.
I e-mailed Ronald Watson who replied that although he is rather old he might still have time to write a Symphony but hadn't written one yet therefore I must mean the Sonatina. That sorted, I was able to purchase the music from Fagus; the publisher.
I think it's a wonderful piece.
As part of the Sonatina, the toccata ends with a more subdued codetta working of the fanfare theme before leading into the rather pleasant Aria. However, I have ended the piece before the codetta in this rendition. Later movements are quite whimsical in parts (typical of Watson) and include a "reworking" of the Bach G Minor fugue on the pedal which is amusing.
Hopefully my initial attempt will result in more recognition for the piece which certainly deserves it.
The piece has been played on the pre release edition of the Father Willis 1894 and whilst the initial set is dry, the wet set currently being worked on should sound pretty much like what you hear in this performance. Alternatively, HW V and VI will provide additional convolutions when used with the dry set.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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