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Le trésor des chapelles 1

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Uploaded by: DominiqueD (11/18/22)
Composer: Frère Léonce
Sample Set: AVO - Egerszeg (beta version)
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Romantic
Another new project is the recording of the 30 parts of this french anthology published as I know around 1864-1865. Thanks if you have any others informations.
Many composers are unknown today . It's an old idea to play this music, just to explore what was played in churches, in villages, in some monasteries on organs (often of medium size) or harmoniums.
Since a long time I use these less difficult musics as sight-reading exercises... yesterday I decided to record the first book. Each work was recorded once or twice. There's no editing process, except in the last piece because I forgott to change the swell registration before the end. I was a bit lazy to record again the entire piece.
it was the perfect opportunity to familiarize myself with the beta version of the new Sset of AVO.
The first book contains 10 pieces from a composer called "Frère Léonce". he was a monk who participated in the life of a boarding school in the suburbs of Paris, in Passy. In the archives, I found his real name : Gérard-Augustin GISCARO. That's all what I found.

1. Offertoire
2. COmmunion 6:40
3. Sortie (with tambour stop !) 11:14
4. Communion 13:20
5. Verset (récit) 15:34
6. Verset 16:54
7. Verset 18:15
8. Verset 19:31
9. Amen 20:58
10. Marche pour rentrée de procession 22:12

The mp3 file is in 256K
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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