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Raccolta di Suonate Op. 21 (Messa Solenne, complete)

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Uploaded by: wolfram_syre (02/15/23)
Composer: Morandi, Giovanni
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Van Dam - Tholen
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Classicism
Bella Italia!

Giovanni Morandi was a great and important Italian composer of organ works.

Morandi's fascinating music is full of extremly virtuos, dramatic, and lyrical sections. His style is opera- and orchestra inspirated. The registrations follow the imagination of a "Banda Militaria".

The title "Raccolta di ..." means "collection of ...". Morandi's Suites are four or more pieces for the "Messa" and other formes of liturgical services.

Morandi's Offertoria are large symphonic movements.
The Elevazioni are Arias.
The Postcommunii are an early typus of Perpetuum-mobile-Toccatas as we know them from the French romantic organists.
The final movements are Grande Marciae for the end of the Messa.

Giovanni Morandi (1777-1856) was organist and director of music at the Senigallia cathedral. He published a lot of organ music. He was a mentor for Giaccomo Rossini.

Raccolta di Suonate dei grand' Organi moderni Op. 21
I. Offertorio
II. Elevazione
III. Post Communio
IV. Sinfonia
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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