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Orgelbuchlein BWV 617 Herr Gott (Nunc dimittis) 6 versions

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Uploaded by: PLRT (11/11/13)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Set: 6 different "Bach organs"
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
After many years of organ playing, I had not yet played any of the Orgelbuchlein chorales (too bad !). So, I recently worked on four from my favourite ones, and thought it was the opportunity to try them on different « Bach organs » with different types of registrations,,

BWV 617 Her Gott

This one is Simeon’s canticus (Nunc dimittis), and the restless semiquavers at the left hand could figure’s Simeon’s strenuous life which finds rest at the end.
Organs are :
Freiberg (RH : vox humana LH : viole de de gambe)
Arlesheim et 2’15(RH : voix humaine, LH : flutes 8’ and 4’)
Kreszow at 4’45(RH : vox humana + principal ; LH : traveur 8 and gemshorn)
Stade at 7’10 (RH : regal ; LH : I do note remember)
Waltershausen at 9’40 (RH : vox humana ; LH : 8’ strings)
Ebersmunster at 11’50(RH : voix humaine ; LH : bourdon et prestant)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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