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Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 645)

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Uploaded by: sanden (10/08/14)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: Pipeloops
Sample Set: Alfred Führer organ of Riddagshausen
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
The first Prelude to the Choral taken from the collection "Schubler".

Schübler Chorales is a name usually
given to the Sechs Chorale von verschiedener Art ('Six Chorales of Various Kinds') for organ (BWV 645–650), a collection of six chorale preludes by Johann Sebastian Bach, issued around 1748. The title 'Schübler Chorales' derives from the engraver and publisher Johann Georg Schübler, who is named on the title page. All six of the preludes are for an organ with two manuals and pedal.

I. Gedackt 8', Floete 4'
III. HolzGedackt 8', RohrFlote 4',
Vox Humana 8'
Ped. Subbass 16', Gedackt 8'
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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