Description: | This early-mid 18th French music was an opportunity to use an exactly contemporary organ (Ebersmunster, 1732), a late 18th organ (St Maximin, 1775) and a 1855 Cavaillé-Coll having kept a good deal of 1717 stops (St Omer).
So, there are 3 versions :
- Ebersmunster to begin
- St-Maximin at 5'30
- St-Omer at 10'50.
Some registrations if you are interessed in comparing some sounds :
- for the duo (var 3) :
At Ebersmunster (1'30) : GO bourdon 8 + quarte 2
at St-Maximin (7'00), it's registered as a French "duo sur les tierces" with RH : jeu de tierce from POS / LH : GO grand jeu de tierce with bourdon 16', grande tierce 3 1/5' and gros nasard 5 1/3', prestant with POS coupled. This makes quite a rumbling running bass, perhaps (pure personal supposition) the French equivalent of German running basses with a 16' Fagott.
at St-Omer (12'25) : POS bourdon 8 + REC octavin (yes, it's a serious sin to use an octavin for 18th music :-) )
- for the récit :
at Ebersmunster (2'40) with the trompette from Echo keyboard
at St-Maximin (8'10) with the Isnard hautbois of Récit keyboard (hautbois was then quite a new and fashionable stop)
at St-Omer (13'40) with the Cavaillé's hautbois from Récit
- for the trio à deux dessus :
at Ebersmunster (3'35) : cromorne at LH and something like GO bourdon 8 + prestant +nasard at RH
at St Maximin (9'15) with 16' based jeu de tierce (3 1/5 and 5 1/3) at LH and cromorne at RH
at St Omer (14'45) : cromorne + prestant at LH, POS bourdon + REC flute octaviante and octavin at RH (yes, one more serious sin :-))
- For the canon :
at Ebersmunster (4'15) : RH Echo cornet , LH cromorne
at St Maximin (9'35) : RH cornet from GO, LH cromorne
at St Omer (15'10) : RH cornet (Desfontaines) from POS, LH basson-hautbois (Cavaillé) from Bombarde keyboard .
I had to use some Audacity's help because no take could be correct from first to last bar :-) |