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Pieds en l'air from 'Capriol Suite'

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Uploaded by: gooseh (09/26/16)
Composer: Peter Warlock arr. Richard Lloyd
Sample Producer: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Klais Organ of Szikszó
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Pedal: Subbass 16, Gedactbass 8
Great: Rohrfloete 8', Weidenpfeife 8' (Sw + Pos coupled)
Swell: Lieblich Gedact 8', Positiv coupled
Positiv: holzfloete 8', Gamba 8'

First part starts on the Great manual. Then the second section starts on the Swell. The repeat of the second section moves to the Positiv.

The title means walking on air - so what better than nice flutes to play this wonderful little piece?

Hope you enjoy.

Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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