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Solitude, Opus 19, Nr. 2

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Uploaded by: Aida (Ida as in Idaho) (12/11/17)
Composer: Kint, Cor
Sample Set: Grand Symphonic Cavaillé-Coll
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
My first regular upload! After having been here for more than 2 years.

Cor Kint's Solitude (Einsamkeit / Eenzaamheid) for me depicts several stages of being alone and loneliness. Starting in mf with repetition, every day is the same, then in p the actual underlying sensation of loneliness, crescending into an ff outcry of hurting and despair, with other aspects like sadness, resistance, longing and hope in between, and finally ending in ppp surrender and resignation.

The tempo is Lento, but I chose a somewhat slower tempo than the metronome indication in the score. I also added a Soubasse 32' pedal note to the end of the score.

Cor Kint (1880-1944) was a Dutch viola player, pianist, organist and composer.

His organ works:
- Adagio religioso, Op.8a, 1914
- Grande Sonate, Op.10, 1914
- Fantasy on Ein Feste Burg, Op.24,1916
- Andante in D-flat, Op.17, 1921-22
- Marche funèbre, Op.30, before 1924
- Prélude pastorale, Op.33, 1925
- Berceuse romantique, Op.34, 1925
- Fugue on B-A-C-H, Op.41, 1934-35
- Variations on Dutch National Hymn 'Wilhelmus', 1917/1944

His works for harmonium (reed organ):
- Feuille d’album, Op.18/1
- Tristesse, Op.18/2
- Rêverie, Op.19/1
- Solitude, Op.19/2
- Suite, Op.29 (Pastorale, Adagio, -
Menuetto/Scherzino en Nocturne)

Sadly enough Solitude is the only work for organ (actually for harmonium) that is available on IMSPL. But as Aarnoud pointed out, several works bij Cor Kint are available in print:

Warning: I did some voicing on this 'set', mostly on the 8' flues.

Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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