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Choral and Trio ' Stort tranen uyt, schreyt luyde, weent en treurt'

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Uploaded by: Waleboer (06/29/20)
Composer: Bijster, Jacob
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Utrecht - Dom, Bätz Organ
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Early Modern
Another early-modern Dutch work from an influencial composer in that era, Jacob Bijster (1902 - 1958). The unique chords are in perfect harmony with the deep sad tone of this song.

Dutch: Muziek voor de Eredienst, Variaties over het oud Nederlandse lied 'Stort tranen uyt, schreyt luyde, weent en treurt' uit 1584. Uitgebracht door muziekuitgeverij Ars Nova te Goes. Koraal en eerste variatie.

Registration Choral:

HW: Octave ' 4 + '8 stops
Ped: 16 and 8' stops

Registration Trio:

HW: all 8' stops, BW-couple with all 8' stops (c.f.)
RW: Principal '8, Flute '8 and Flute '2.

Like early-modern Dutch music? Then listen to the other uploads in this genre:

- Finale Psalm 22 - Bernard Renooij
- Preludium Komt zielen deze dag - Piet Post
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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