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Introduction and Passacaglia in D minor

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Uploaded by: GeoffP (07/03/20)
Composer: Reger, Max
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Chemnitz - Lutherkirche, Sauer
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
The second of 3 uploads featuring pieces I have performed before but now on this new sample set. When I played this before I chose a slow tempo which was not particularly successful. So I am pleased to take on board your feedback and release a new performance at a considerably brisker tempo. Unlike the last piece the crescendo pedal is not engaged and all registration is controlled manually. This upload uses the Distant perspective, which is what you get if you purchase the 'Wet' version. (Distant does not mean Rear - Distant is the most distant of the front perspectives, between Diffuse and Rear).
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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