Maurice Gordon Burgess (1884-1964) was organist of St. Michael's College, Tenbury, Dulwich College, and of Eastbourne College.
He published a number of organ works, some with interesting titles like "Scenes Pittoresques," but this piece, which I found on IMSLP is the only work of his that I have ever seen.
"Impromptu in E Minor" was published by The Vincent Music Co. Ltd. in 1908 as "No. 155" in "The Organ Loft" series. It, along with my previous two uploads completes the pieces found in Vol. 51.
It is dedicated: "Inscribed to R. Orlando Morgan, Esq. by his grateful pupil."
It is marked "Allegro con brio" is a fine and vigorous work in A-B-A form. The stormy outer sections reminded me of the great Bach E Minor Prelude (BWV 548), while the contrasting middle section in G, is an attractive, almost scherzo-like diversion. There is an effective "bridge" leading from the central section back to the return of the opening material. There is a rather grandiose coda, which is actually pretty wild, as there are big chords that stay in tempo almost to the end, resulting in some big handed grabs at the notes, as the tempo keeps driving on, almost until the very end. The Solo tuba is heard briefly in the final measures.
I could find no pictures of Maurice Gordon Burgess, but I did find photos of the famous, sadly now closed, St. Michael's College, Tenbury, the place that was SO important in the great revival of the English choral tradition. Also attached are photos of Dulwich College, which still has a choir of men and boys - much to my surprise and great pleasure, and photos of Eastbourne College.
You can hear the "Postlude in G Minor" by Burgess here: