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Chorale VI (2003)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (07/01/21)
Composer: Andric, Andreja
Sample Producer: Evensong
Sample Set: Immanuel Presbyterian E.M Skinner
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Contemporary
Andreja Andric (b. 1973) — Chorale VI (2003) for organ

The composer writes: "Chorale Book" (1995–2019) is a collection of short works. It takes as a starting point "Musica enchiriadis," a music treatise from 9th century, and combines modified organum and discantus technique to create simple five-part chorale-like textures in attempt to create a new moment in a distant past of an alternative music history. Strict rules of voice-leading make the process of writing of the pieces a ritualistic practice in itself. The collection seeks to create new meditative sound spaces for our time and the future.

Andreja Andric (b. 1973) is a Serbian composer and computer programmer living in Aarhus in Denmark. In his music he explores and combines automatic writing, mathematical processes and chance and often uses computer programming as key means of artistic expression. He is active mostly as a composer and performer of electronic music and leads an ensemble specializing in networked electronic music performance. His work has been performed on many prominent music festivals throughout the world. Andric holds a Ph.D. in Music Informatics from the State University of Milan, Italy. (

Published by Are Musik Verlag in “Chorale Book”
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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