Stele pour un enfant defunt Uploaded by: Discipulus Composer: Vierne, Louis Organ: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel E.M. Skinner Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 253
This piece is about the legend of Sainte-Tryphine de Lanmeur (Lanmeur is a village in Northern Britanny) and is quite in "once upon a time" mood.
In the legend, Ste Tryphine was decapitated by her angry husband, but St Gildas (another saint from Britanny) replaced her head on her shoulders and resurrected her.
I spent the whole last week trekking in North-Britanny and the track passed in the village of Lanmeur. I expected to find some statue or story about Ste Tryphine in Lanmeur's church but it was unfortunately closed. In any case, it gave me the envy to play this sweet piece once back home.