"Des lasst uns alle fröhlich sein
und mit den Hirten gehn hinein,
zu sehn, was Gott uns hat beschert,
mit seinem lieben Sohn verehrt."
Martin Luther (1534)
Some days ago (and also one year ago) I have post variations on "Vom Himmel hoch" by Sietze de Vries (NL), which I transcribed:
Recent version with Ahrend-organ Regensburg (pipeloops):
First version with Schnitger-organ Steinkirchen (Organ Art Media):
Sietze's phantastic improvisations inspired me to write down also some baroque style variations on Luther's well known Christmas carol. - I would like to introduce them to you till Christmas.
Today I want to continue with a double pedal variation followed by a short six voiced stretta part which presents all four choral lines simultaneously within two bars (another variant of Bach's idea about...). After that a five part chorale in organo pleno.
The score is attached for free download