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From Advent to Christmas between France and Germany

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Uploaded by: DominiqueD (12/06/23)
Composer: Bach, Mohrheim, Corrette
Sample Producer: Forestpipes Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Regensburg Dom St. Peter
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Baroque
I didn't know what to record for Advent The publication of this new organ led me towards this curious opposition between a more meditative Germanic world, and a very festive French universe.
I was surprised by the magnitude of the acoustics of the cathedral, but also by the clarity of the recording of the great organ. The sound of the stops is very detailed. I don't use here the choir organ (too far imho), but with interresting specification.
This modern organ is well suited for a lot of repertoire from all periods.
I hope to have time to record others works during the trial time of the license.
I propose you to listen to the entire Second "suite de Noëls" from Michel Corrette, interspersed by german baroque chorals. It's realy amazing to consider that this so big organ can also provide an intimate atmosphere.

1. Vous qui désirez sans fin

2. JS Bach / Nun komm BWV 699 / 5:52

3. Bon Joseph écoute moy / 7:04

4. Fr-Ch Mohrheim / Jesu der du meine Seele 11:26

5. un jour Dieu se résolut 17:08

6. JS Bach / Nun komm BWV 659 / 19:13

7. Tous les bourgeois de Chastres / 24:22

Mp3 / 256k
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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