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Sonata I

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Uploaded by: MrStone (02/09/24)
Composer: Theophil Andreas Volckmar 1686-1768
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Nitra
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Baroque
Sonata I
à due Claviere et Pedal

Edition Maurizio Machella:

Volckmar was born as the son of the Stettin organist Johann Arnold Volckmar. In 1707 he followed his father into the position of organist at the Peter and Paul Church in Stettin. In 1712 Volckmar moved to Danzig, where he initially worked at the Trinity Church and then from 1717 at the St. Catherine's Church. In Gdańsk he was considered a modern and virtuoso organ player. He played too modern for the Danzig pastor, so his applications for the position of organist at Danzig's most important church, St. Mary's Church, failed.

Volckmar left Danzig in 1730 and moved to St. Mary's Church in Köslin. In 1733 he returned to his hometown of Stettin to take up the position of organist at the St. Nicholas Church. In 1746 Volckmar finally received the position of organist at the largest church in Stettin, the Jakobikirche.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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