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Orison No. 1 (2004)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (02/12/24)
Composer: Shenk, Calvert
Sample Producer: Forestpipes Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Regensburg Dom St. Peter
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Contemporary
Calvert Shenk (1940–2005) — Orison No. 1 (2004) for organ

American church musician, organist, and composer Calvert Shenk (1940–2005) was born in Missouri and grew up in Kansas. He was educated at Northwestern University (BM and MM) and pursued further study with Theodore Marier (chant), Gerre Hancock (improvisation), and David Willcocks (choral conducting). Shenk served as a church musician at various Catholic paraishes in Illinois, Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Alabama. His last positions were Organist and Director of Music at the Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, Michigan followed by Director of Music at Assumption Grotto Church in Detroit. He also worked as adjunct instructor at Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek, as music critic for the Battle Creek Enquirer and News, as choral director at St. Philip Catholic Central High School, and as associate director, accompanist and composer-in-residence for the Battle Creek Boys Choir. As an organ recitalist, Shenk performed throughout the Midwest, East and Southeast, and performed in 1986 at the American Guild of Organists National Convention in Detroit. Shenk’s compositions were published by CanticaNOVA Publications, McAfee Music, and GIA Publications. He was co-author of the “Adoremus Hymnal” (Ignatius Press).

Published by CanticaNOVA Publications in “24 Brief Orisons”
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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