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neuf pièces improvisées en forme de suite française

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Uploaded by: DominiqueD (04/28/24)
Composer: Pierre Cochereau (1924-1984)
Sample Producer: Forestpipes Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Regensburg Dom St. Peter
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Improvisation in french style
There is no need to introduce the man who was the undisputed master of the great organ of Notre-Dame de Paris. He would have been a hundred years old this year. Interpreter of his time, influenced by neoclassicism and symphonic spirit , and brilliant improviser, he continues to fascinate organists. I had the chance to hear him and approach him when I was just a teenager beginning to learn the organ.
To play this suite in french style I needed a great modern versatile organ to feel like in the atmosphere of Notre-Dame, with powerfull reeds and generous flutes stops. The Rieger organ of Regensburg Cathedral is absolutly perfect.... for french music !
I did'nt want to copy exactly how he played on the recording (he was not familiar with french baroque). I didn't also want to play exactly the outstanding transcription published by Jeanne Joulain... because the transcription of ornaments is very annoying for reading. So I rethought reading the score as if I were reading works by Couperin or Marchand. That's why I take some freedom with ornaments. I wanted to preserve Cochereau's intentions while playing more in french style.

1. Kyrie
2. Petit plein jeu 1:54
3. Offertoire 2:49
4. Tierce en taille 8:12
5. Voix humaine 12:10
6. Cromorne en taille 13:36
7. Flûtes 16:45
8. Basse et dessus de trompette 20:08
9. Grand plein-Jeu 20:51
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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