Description: | Composer Clifford Vaughan was born September 23, 1893 in Bridgeton, New Jersey, and studied at the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music. Vaughan served as musical director for Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn's Denishawn Dancers during their 1925-1926 Asian tour, composing a number of dance works for the troupe. He moved to Los Angeles in the 1930s and worked as an orchestrator and composer for several major studios, including Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO, MGM, Disney, and Universal. Among his orchestration credits are the films Bride of Frankenstein (1935), Old Yeller (1957), and Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959). In addition, Vaughan composed symphonies, concertos, chamber music, choral works, and violin and piano pieces. He served as organist for the Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church and wrote numerous works for the organ. Clifford Vaughan died November 23, 1987 in El Monte, California.
This work is from "The California Organist", a series of pieces published in the 1960s-70s, featuring works by various California organists, |