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Ricercar noni toni

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Uploaded by: yolar (09/07/24)
Composer: Gabrieli, Giovanni
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Valvasone Virtual Organ
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Renaissance
Giovanni Gabrieli (c. 1554/1557 – 1612) was an Italian composer and organist. He was one of the most influential musicians of his time, and represents the culmination of the style of the Venetian School, at the time of the shift from Renaissance to Baroque idioms. He probably studied with his uncle Andrea Gabrieli. In the dedication to his 1587 book of concerti, he described himself as "little less than a son" to his uncle Andrea. Giovanni also went to Munich to study with the renowned Orlando de Lassus at the court of Duke Albert V. By 1584 he had returned to Venice, where he became principal organist at St Mark's Basilica in 1585, after Claudio Merulo left the post. Gabrieli's career rose further when he took the additional post of organist at the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, another post he retained for his entire life.
(source: Wikipedia)

I recorded a wonderful and lively ricercar by Giovanni Gabrieli. Don't mind the silly tempo and dynamic markings in this score edition, which are of course not original.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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