Lazare-Auguste Maquaire (it feels like some Balzac character :-)) was a French organist (1872-1906), a Widor's pupil ; he was his teacher's deputy-organist at Saint-Sulpice for a while.
This witty scherzo is the 3rd movement from his 1st symphony. But, unfortunately, Maquaire died young, at 34, and there was no 2nd symphony. This light scherzo prefigures Vierne's famous scherzos and departs from "heavy scherzos" like for instance Guilmant's ones.
I confess I didn't respect the scores registrations so as to adopt lighter and softer colours.
Nice to upload again after 6 weeks with the left arm in sling ! RH+Ped were learned during these weeks and I thought it would be easy to add afterwards the LH which doesn't have much work to do ; fortunately, most of the LH quick notes are in joint movement, the only thing I can still afford with LH. Big chords will have to wait :-)