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Harmonies du soir op.72 n°1

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Uploaded by: PLRT (01/23/25)
Composer: Karg-Elert, Sigfrid
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1925 G.F. Steinmeyer, Berlin, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: post-romantic, impressionist
Harmonies du soir is the first one of the "Three impressions" op.72 (composed in 1909). It's in arch form : beginning pp -in the middle, crescendo and climax FF- then decrescendo and pp in the end.

This piece is somewhat a kind of a summary of some Karg-Elert's very original stylistic features (harmonies, melodies, frequent dynamics and registration changes, general atmosphere...).

Curiously, composed in 1923 a new set of 3 Impressions the op.108 , whose the first piece is titled Sunset, a program not very far from Harmonies du soir :-)

The big 1925 Steinmeyer is, IMHO, ideally fitted to the task of rendering such music.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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