Fugue in G minor BWV 558 Uploaded by: Andrew Grahame Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: Laurenskerk - Transept Organ - 1959 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk VI Views: 98
A Good Man Is Hard To Find Uploaded by: morharn Composer: Eddie Green Organ: Organ of Holy Spirit Church Budapest Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 239
Suite du deuxieme ton Uploaded by: Karel_van_Ingen Composer: Clérambault Organ: 1732 Andreas Silbermann, Ebersmünster, France Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 610
Prelude and Fugue in C BWV 531 Uploaded by: Dabchurch Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: 1732 Andreas Silbermann, Ebersmünster, France Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 1053
improvisation by Bernard Winsemius, played in 1985 and notated by Arno Rog. Chorale prelude in the style of Bach, based on a popular tune "De zak van Sinterklaas" :-)