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Satyagraha, final from act III

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Uploaded by: PLRT (05/28/12)
Composer: Glass, Philip
Sample Producer: Inspired Acoustics
Sample Set: Esztergom
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
Philip Glass wrote a trilogy of operas about (his words) "men who changed the world" : Enstein (Enstein on the beach), Akhenaton and Gandhi. Satyagraha is about Gandhi.
It is a kind of minimalist music, motivic with many repetitions and not dissonant. Hearing it, one can lose one's temper of, inversely, love it : impossible to predict. It can remind some music by "Tangerine Dream", 35 years ago.

As far as I am concerned, I love the mix of strength and nostalgia obtained form a very simple musical writing (no flat or sharp all the piece long, all white). Registration is a kind of progressive build-up
Ezgom suits well to this piece, with its velevety flues, clear but non agressive mixtures and its reeds which sound as reeds but are not overwhelming. Despite an I7 and 24Gb, I had to load it 14 bits and truncated 3,5 seconds to avoid completely glitches. So, it does not do justice to the sampleset.
Playing is quite imperfect, but I almost turned mad during the recording (many tentatives) because the music is always roughly the same thing, but not quite exactly the same thing : quite disturbing for the player !
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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