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User: thebencarter

User Information

Setup photos

After playing the piano for a few decades, I got hooked on the organ after playing Hauptwerk on my Yamaha KX-88.

Without any real organ playing experience, I built my own console to AGO standards with pedals and manuals taken from two discarded Moller consoles. I added magnetic reed switches to all pedals and keys, then wired and coded 5 Arduino 2560 boards to turn switch actions into MIDI messages. My console is now 4 manuals and I am making custom toe pistons (new pics soon). I have two touch screens to select stops. I run 4 channel surround with large tower speakers and an 18" subwoofer.

Hardware profile

Operating system: Windows 10
Audio/MIDI interface:
Manual(s): Restored Keyboards with Other Scanner
Pedalboard: Other AGO Pedalboard
System: PC
Monitor(s): Touch TCD/TFT
Speakers: Multi-channel speakers
Amplifier(s): Pro Audio Multi-Channeled Amp
Sample Set(s): Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll
Cracov, St. John Cantius 2004
Krzeszow Organ by Michael Engler (1732-37)
St. Peter, Ménestérol