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User: Kruksel

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  Title Composer Organ Genre Added
'Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott' (BWV 721)
102 views, 1 comment
Bach, J. S. Noordbroek, Schnitger-Hinsz-Freytag Baroque 09/16/21
Variaties over Noel "Dans un grange campetre
69 views, 1 comment
Albert de Klerk Lohman, Heusden Noord, Brabant (1824-28) Modern 11/22/20
Lied voor de Vox Humana
160 views, 6 comments
Pameijer, Cornelis Lohman, Heusden Noord, Brabant (1824-28) Romantic 05/28/20
Heer herinner u de namen
122 views, 6 comments
Dick Sanderman Lohman, Heusden Noord, Brabant (1824-28) Hymn 12/10/19