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Pastorale pour une flute d'été n°5 (pastorale for a summer flute)

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Uploaded by: PLRT (04/03/15)
Composer: Zemzaris, Imants
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: St. Omer, Cavaillé-Coll 1855
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Neo-tonal, minimalist, impressionist ?????
This afternoon, I went to my usual music shop to buy somme scores that I'll never play, which is one of my very favorite ways to spend money.
Near the entry, there was a box with some scores which were on the sale for very low prices. There, I found one named "Pastorales pour une flûte d'été" (pastorales for a summer flute). I found this title so beautiful that I bought it (for just a bit less than nothing €).
Back home, I began to sight-read and fell in instant love with the pastorale n°5 : very simple music, few notes and (IMHO) so much poetry. So, impossible to go to bed before posting it. Now, I can go to bed (one of my favorite occupations, second only to using Hauptwerk).

The pure and liquid flutes of St Omer seemed right for this piece. I tried to keep a tempo as metronomic as possible so as to enhance the "hypnotic" character of this music, composed by a Latvian composer born in 1951 (so says the score).

The atmosphere is parent to the haunting Mantra uploaded by Carson Coomann here ;

Hope there will be someone loving it as much as I do :-) ???????
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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